Reimagining Aneksartisias Street

The vision is to create a safer and more accessible environment for both pedestrians and drivers by improving traffic flow and prioritizing the needs of people on foot. By making the street one-way, you hope to reduce traffic congestion and make it easier for drivers to navigate the area. At the same time, you suggest that the freed-up space could be used to create wider sidewalks, designated bike lanes, and green areas, all of which would make the street more welcoming and attractive to pedestrians.

In this reimagined street, pedestrians would have more room to walk, shop, and socialize, without having to worry about competing with cars. The one-way configuration would also make it easier for shops and restaurants to offer outdoor seating, further enhancing the street's vibrancy and livability. Additionally, you suggest that the existing parking spaces could be relocated to nearby lots or garages, freeing up more space for pedestrians and reducing traffic congestion.

Overall, our studio’s vision for Aneksartisias Street is one of a safe, accessible, and inviting street that accommodates the needs of both drivers and pedestrians. By making these changes, we believe that the street could become a hub of activity and a source of pride for the community.


Living in a Bubble


Cooling a city through urban planning part 1